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    产品类别: 杀菌剂 杀鼠剂 杀螨剂 杀虫剂 除草剂 灭螺剂 增效剂 化学不育剂 杀鸟剂 杀线虫剂 植物生长调节剂 杂类 除草剂安全剂 驱鸟剂 驱虫剂 昆虫引诱剂 除藻剂 驱寄生虫剂 哺乳动物驱逐剂 硝化抑制剂 拒食素 未知分类 交配干扰剂 木材防腐剂 植物触媒剂 杀病毒剂
    农药: sodium pentachlorophenate
    中文名称: 五氯酚钠
    批准机构: ISO 765
    IUPAC: sodium pentachlorophenolate or sodium pentachlorophenoxide
    CAS名: pentachlorophenol sodium salt
    CAS号: 131-52-2
    分子式: C6Cl5NaO
    结构式: sodium pentachlorophenate
    用途: 杀菌剂(芳族类杀菌剂);灭螺剂
    InChI: InChI=1/C6HCl5O.Na/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9;/h12H;/q;+1/p-1/fC6Cl5O.Na/h12h;/q-1;m
    备注: This substance is considered by the International Organization for Standardization not to require a common name; “sodium pentachlorophenate” is given as an alternative. The parent alcohol is also considered not to require a common name, see pentachlorophenol.
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